Chuckanut ranges such a spectrum of wonder before my eyes and ears. Soft paddle strokes through Lake Whatcom. Only waves lopping the hull are those of my own power. Our whole group taken in my the stillness, emotions felt in the quiet. Words only used in disconnect. Smiles and long gazes all around. Thoughts embracing such a life resonating around and through all. The time battered hills allow the Big Leaf Maples to shine on. Still their beauty shared with the coniferous plantae blending into one magnificant whole. Attention browses from below the water line-into worlds below. Without passing throught, my immagination turns into the clouds. Stratosphere of bent light and whisps of charged humidity.
Bicycling to capture light and images. Stopping whereever inspiration sprung along the way to Larrabee. New destinations found in an all too familiar place. A special breed of folks find these wonderful places off the beaten path. A curosity leads the way with no expectation.