Monday, June 8, 2009

Inverse Relationship of Animals With Machines

Humans manipulate animals, and create machines. Both are subservient to human desires-beneath the hierarchy of humanity. Training animals is a skill just a programming a machine, but the variable of emotion cannot be accounted for by an algorithm yet. Animals carry knowledge, not just intelligence-primitive and predictable as it may be, it still necessitates our respect. “For quite a long while, like Hitchcock, I’ve considered birds as a kind of metaphysical feat. The bird is never what it is empirically, it surpasses itself, it is already spiritualized, inscribed as something which can kill or save.” (46, Life Extreme) Machines have not been given this sort of power. Can code surpass its own code? This is an issue of artificial intelligence, machines coding for other machines is a topic I will not digress into. Right now, if humans did not have any interaction with the sensuous world, animals would continue evolving, machines would not.
Ribofunk and its projection of the future beings about wild machine/animal beings. Their place in the world is still for mankind’s using. Programmed as a machine but still with animal instincts is the splice. There are various forms of control, but there are loops to be found. Krazy Kat for example, the bad splice. This splice has the ability to be good or bad-outside of our control. The Kat has feelings, ambitions, and anger. This thought revolution is very possible with such human, animal, and machine mergers. The more we become dependent on these creations, teaching them, programming routes of existence of near self sufficiency. The less they become dependent on the human race, their creators.

Ribofunk’s representation is that of a future time, Life Extreme accounts for today. We create animals with no feathers, enlarged chicken breasts that disable their ability to even walk. These manipulations are convergent to human desires and divergent to Darwinian evolution. “What is the living being? The stability of life or of the living is thrown off course-especially when one invokes technology or machinery, which lean more towards death.” (13, Life Extreme) Humanity is pushing animals away from their life and pushing machines towards a virtual human life in a way. In with the new and out with the old. Machines will dominate the landscape; animals are defenseless to our actions. This is so because it is too difficult to cater to animals in a wild setting-turn the tables and have them cater to us.

Everything created by humans is held dear to our hearts. We assimilate machines as apart of ourselves-growing with/into them in the future. Animals are a divergent evolution of the past, our own primitive cerebellum brain of fight or flight. When Ribofunk reigns supreme, the Splice will more machine then animal. Modified with the best parts of both-there will be no distinction at this point. But it is the animal part that we can relate to, embrace through eye contact. There is home in a beating heart. Life desires life, filling the roll of the exotic Other in the far off future when there are more machines than humans. Humans are top of the food chain, and top of the life chain. Puppeteers of the sensuous world- carrying on towards death in this form of living. 51% or 49% Both are alive, but it is a dominance over the rest that is decided by a fraction. Animals were regarded as less important in the past, and will be until their numbers are so few that we will desire them once again. Remixed and re-imagined through machinery. Technology on the other hand will only grow, with or without of compliance in due time. We may grow tired of it in time. Its relationship with humans compared to animals and humans are inversely proportional. More of less of one of the other comes in cycles. Do not forget that there was a time when animals dominated humans with their size, speed, and natural ability.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Dopplegang Musings

What is within the spectrum of a photograph? A photograph is always a representation of something created in the past. It contains a manipulated moment in time-nothing more. There is no soul in a photograph. A photo may be copied again and again to reproduce the same image, or an altered image in the dark room. But is the moment when the photo was taken ever truly copied? No. There is no recreating an entire moment through a lens. When a picture or even a movie is taken, hindsight is confined to the screen or print.
Photos from the past may be recreated, a cut up or collage is new, but its parts are not. When a photo is changed physically in any way, it is no longer a copy. Only the negative, a true image stands unique as art, which is a manipulation. Photographs are not copies of a time and place-they are fractions of the whole. If every angle were taken in an image, by an infinite number of cameras, the situation would still just grow exponentially, never reaching a whole number of being there.
Film takes time into consideration and an evolving space. Moving pictures or not, the lens is still only half the world. The art form is creating more with less. More emotion, and sensation by capturing from a fresh perspective and new angles. Film watchers never interact with the situation-though film makers do right up until that camera starts rolling. It is a fabricated whole, bringing up a curious point that being in Hollywood seems so fake to people. Props, sets, makeup, script, actors, the whole production is hours and hours of filming and multitudes of different takes. All to be edited down to one hundred and twenty minuets of entertainment.

Even biological doubles do not have entirely the same DNA. Mitochondrial DNA, unique to DNA contained in the nucleus is entirely its own. This may just be a finite portion, but in a physiological sense, different is different. Nature (deoxyribose nucleic acid) and nurture (experience) I remember hearing of a new clipping to clone Jesus so he can be in every home. All from the blood sample on the shroud of Turin. In no way can experiences of a lifetime be recreated. Yes it is possible for someone to have the same DNA in the nucleus- but controlling growth is entirely out of our range of creation. Nature and nurture of life is a combination of them both. Weather it be a clone, or identical twin-each would be an individual.
The issue of a splice follows this same idea. In Ribofunk, all splices were still grown from zygote form, blending of DNA. What if I grown body were somehow split down the middle, brain and all and joined with another body having the same operation. Left and right brain will then come into conscious play. A rewiring would take place, a growth into something new, never a copy.

The Filth and this idea of amnesia induced personality is a fragmented whole. A suggested livelihood pushed on the subject from his surroundings. With such calculated forms of control. The cat, the commie chimp smoking marijuana cigarettes. Tried and true responses growing in a lab. There is a choice if one is wise enough to listen to an innate intelligence of self as Ned Slade did. Each new round of Ned Slade will be a bit different. The issue of time travel and having multiple forms of the self as in Primer. The difference in each individual is the knowledge; the first multiple would have no knowledge of a second or third multiple. They could not be the same then. The nurture aspect of life is beyond recreation. As for the pataphysical realm it to is open to suggestion because it is not tangible through immediate experience. Being that it is individual imaginations that word it into being. Each realm is the eye of the beholder, isolated, crafted by nurture and nature.

The Other of Radical Alterity "Roof Top Origins"

Here. I am. A primordial sense of explanation for existence, searching to be satiated. First I search a world beyond worlds. The spirit interaction with an All-mighty being of love. Sacrificing a self through service. Manipulated and twisted by time-unanswered questions are now drawing conclusions. The arts and science of the Islamic golden age, a union of god and science-picking up on Gods rhythms through knowledge. Leading towards science without God, yet the formalities are kept alive. We are atoms, all except hydrogen originating from star dust and nothing more, nothing less. Random chance of existence is a hell bent reality. A mentality that cannot be accepted by the evolving mankind. Majority of manimals identify with an ego, which is not stardust. Who is left to question but the self. Attempting to determine the self through knowledge of electrons and atoms. The more a location of an electron is known, less is understood of origins and destinations.

Accepted science goes onto quantum-particles being more than one place at once. Existing yet nonexistent. Still incapable of solid ground; looking, longing for something greater than the self to manifest our duty. Science is the new foundation for explanation, pillars holding the united goals of mankind on its data tables and analysis. It attempts to reach the Other of Radical Alterity- a code in which there is no longer any law or constraint. Just as religion of past. Knowing how way leads on to way, science turns inwards-back to the spirit. But more importantly it changes its scale for this introspection. A size beyond our bodily understanding. Nano represents an amount of zeros that our conscious mind is only able to guess at.

This is a way to get back to the spirit. We alter what is, to what we have control over. Nano is a sense of control. A whimsical idea that being able to manipulate the surrounding on such a scale-we will to change the self to Godly forms. We no longer feel the devine mothers presence-why not create our own? Jean Baudrillard informs that “Fundamentally, the secret of alterity is to think that everything comes from the outside.” (69) No guilt, selfless in a way-existing in the formalities of code and conduct. A system that is highly respected in certain circles as a means. On the very next page Baudrillard speaks of the distance of the Other. “That is the principle of exoticism according to Segalen: keep your distance. Curiously, we would be tempted to enter the opposite form, which would be to go towards the Other, to assimilate or even played with difference to a certain degree and following a global and universal principle. That the Other as Other. There is no universal, there is an Other. (70)

The nano world is close in its teasing ways, but the west will not allow itself to embrace it completely. With the distance gone, our means of living is gone. Our Omega point as prophesied by Technoapocalypse is a point of convergence into a realm beyond. Gods will die. The secrets of the world will no longer be secret. Without myth there is a loss of wonder. That finality of being may be too great to undertake- having nothing greater than the self. Our finitude with shock us from our ignorant bubble of perception.

The irony of all this technology as a means to reach and understand a universal spirit in the end. A spirit that is under complete nano control and understanding. The exoticism of life is swallowed- and we die from life as we know it. Every new renaissance of the search has a new context only. It is not so much the knowledge at the end, but the process that keeps us wanting. We kill the Other by reaching it. “…radical alterity cannot be found, reaching the goal is impossible… this search: it is not an eternal truth; it is located in its time, its context.” (75) Baudrillard. The Other is a way of a round robin back to the root of existence. A new perspective on a repeating thought pattern of unanswered questions.

Education is this searching of the Other. All of us being home schooled in this undertaking of the self. The incomplete manifesto for growth. This is forever incomplete until it is finished in the singular sense. Beyond words, our nurture aspect of existence. We put in the time just as all other artists of this spectrum-learning what cannot be taught. Our own "how to" guide to really see the yellow rose of Borges. We are forever expanding outwards to understand the inner workings of the soul and duty. Take it apart and put it back together again. It is a beautiful process and rhythm of life, tried and true.

Journey Down Blog Lane

As such the super organism we are. The evolution of this course is entirely singular. The fluidity that blogging makes available-everyone having experiences from the foundation of thought Tony has bestowed to the classroom and beyond. From that each has breathed into it more and more. Different parts of the whole. As it should be, allowed to fly on in self induced direction. The progression starting with the photo of morel, on to images of The Ticket That Exploded. Then the Other of Radical Alterity. And so forth, our thoughts evolving. Branching towards new personal growth, which is parallel with super organism expansion. Blogs catered to these thoughts and emotions-not manifested or refined in class. The evolving context of material and discussions were tools to process the bigger fish just beneath the surface. What is knowing, the idea of living, evolution of technology, linear time. All of there are valid and intricate points strung together in an oriphidnet of our own. All are forms to introspect the Other we have created.

The topic of knowing had its meanderings in both William’s and my blog postings. The curiosity was able to be undertaken with thought and writing. The blogs were out personal paths woven with class topics. This is where the most diversity of the class was found. Borges’ claws still deep in my abdomen, the first topic to undertake on will be essences and ability to “know”. William contributes:

“What is knowing something? Can we ever know something in its entirety? I figure it's maybe something like this: you can know a person, or to be more precise, select aspects of a person, not the entire person; I seriously wonder if you can even know everything about yourself, but I digress. You can also know facts such as what chemicals a desk is made up of, under the same category, you can also know something’s status, such as where someone is. You can know how to do something from experience although this is somewhat questionable since no two situations will be exactly alike, I still feel that there is something to be said about memory, but I guess it's really more of a system of estimating probabilities than actually knowing something, again, since no two situations will be alike.”

William is in question and setting guidelines to help define answers. This taxonomy necessitates a thinker to be impeccable with his or her words. It is amazing how much more conviction words carry when they are defined from the inside out. Through processes just like this-thought meanderings bring a context of association that avoids confusion within the self and communication. My digestion of this topic of knowing has been molded by different knowledge, both valid, neither incorrect.

“Where do today's words come from? What power do you and I put into words. A dictionary holds supreme power-but do many people speak in vernacular oxford English? Our journey of language is experience and interactions. But in today's world, the power of the word is gained from you, I, and so many other not so constant forms all in different contexts and unrelated sensuous surroundings. Building into the internal paradox of communication, "the more we communicate, the more we destroy communication; or, the less we exchange, the more we have to communicate." Baudrillard, Jean (45)
Capturing essences is beyond the codes capabilities-only manipulation is possible.

Our super organism is growing. Such vastly different approaches to an open ended issue. William begins with knowing traits of a person-not essences. I speak of words and the complexity of communication and its internal paradox of verbal or written exchange. Neither of our ideas have essences as conclusive. William speaks of tangible knowledge such as chemical contents of a table. He speaks of the singularity of situations-never repeating alike. I speak of knowing words, which are already a representation of something outside the Other. Both thoughts maturing from an innate intelligence of our own manifestations.

Compare and contrast two people for example-traits can be known and defined, but the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. A paradox of evaluation. This course of Nanotexts is radically different in all of our minds and hearts. Using sci-fi of the near future to build opinions and essentially draw lines in a forth coming context. What is being alive? Downloaded into a computer-transmitting that incalculable essence-27 grams of the soul. Let us now jump down the path of Morel in this yellow wood. I see no other dimension for Morel after his meticulous recording-he dies at the end of the week. I agree with William completely when he speaks of the impossibility of free will in Morels device.

“Leaving out something’s identity in physical space we have senses, what can be perceived, and, though this is somewhat of an assumption, we have the interactions between these beings. Personally I think that there's more to being alive, especially to being human than that, but even if there's not, its all just a damn recording. Even if these recordings can think and feel, they are only acting on the world they were recorded in, they have no means to interact with anything new. then again maybe that's what life is if you don't believe that free will exists. maybe this idea of "new" is just an illusion.”

This necessity for free will to be living is fantastic food for thought. Freedom is an illusion and the reason why we fight. When William talks of interacting with anything new, that caught me a bit off guard. I believe that all is a circle, passing and returning- but how free is the return then? Is it fresh in some new way, or is the ignorance of a new situation that allows a “free mind” to live and think, feel, regurgitate? I am alive, as is William- I have no reason to doubt that-but free will-there is reason to doubt. Will, free or subjected, has nothing to do with living. People going about their lives unconsciously, victims of a world they created-living, breathing- yes, but are they truly alive to the potential of creation?

Fueled by class discussions, we branched into the idea of "free will" simply being a buffer to extremes-both, judged as good and bad. Intriguing because the action of dulling the sensuous world has an enlivening on the opposite end. Connected at the hip. Hao Huynh spoke of understanding the extremes of life as being intrinsically connected- to know happiness, one must know sadness. The spectrum of feeling increases with all interaction weather it be leaving one utterly fragmented, or wholly inspired. Now to circumvent the issue of living, the virtual world. Our senses are dulling to regard virtual activities as normal. Where does this virtual world we are creating leave us on this spectrum? Safe. All the interactions are found there, love life, multiple parapersonas, even life and death. What does this have to do with living? Nothing, the pixels will never be able to capture essences. "Reality has fallen prey to Virtual Reality, the final consequence of the process begun with the abstraction of objective reality - a process that ends in Integral Reality." Jean Baudrillard. Our actions on reality and living are viral. Our virus will go on procreating-but living is what we don't know about life. Waking up morning after morning ready to take it all on with a smile and grow.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Book groups' Life Extreme

The Queen city of Cincinnati, “en-livened”. Denoting the creation of a state to become more lively, or interesting. Our book group analysis continued and branched anew from class topics. First and foremost, the possibilities of the nano world expanded. Hindsight informs that I have no way of knowing where the nano future will go. Futuristic details of movies after the Second World War have not all paned out. But the fringe must be made hazy with a melting pot of dreams. Random chance as well, making a power beyond our immediate control- what capabilities or options will proceed. How it will evolve in thought, action? Which maniac will hold the cards in all of this progress?

The work distribution was fantastic in the group setting. A verbal accord, with the simple understanding of the necessary contributions. Everyone carried their ideas; with the small numbers this can make or break the group. Some plurkers can fade into the background, and being a digital interface-I take what I see as what is. That becomes the standard of viewing and we accept it. One must give to get in a communal setting, all holding the pillars aloft separately. It is refreshing to share strictly with my peers. The issue was entertainment, bouncing ideas and building with one another. The setting was much more contained than plurk, with a sort of timing and mutual activity. A limb of the super organism, functionally pseudo independent.

A void was satisfied through the book group. Completely taking apart a text, tangents, and more the merrier. Stretch the text then watch it coalesce again. Plurks got off base- but there is no worthy creation in gibberish, one tires of nonsensical typing for sake of plurk karma of all things. Texts left on the back burner and me, me, me typed out and shared. This is totally fair and easy to participate in-but I was left wanting more material focused on the class. The book group situation reminded me of the Kafka and Borges dialogues starting with the text then sprouting anywhere relevant or even beyond. Always from a foundation of the text.

Something that caught me off guard with the book group was the timing-one lengthy, supported post a week. All of us on similar page readings as well left us with the entire week of reading to refine ideas within our own heads. This allowed for a branching effect-loose ends of the text were allowed to be tied up in eight different ways-all valid. Some played true, others not so by the end of the book. It is those loops that make the text. An intrusive vagueness, necessary and placed throughout. Time bombs of thought and analysis.

Climaxing at the dead end dynamic of teacher student setting. We crazy eights were allowed to mentor as peers. All both teachers and students. Prichard has devoured these texts for years, not the mention the plethora of other knowledge to utilize. The all Seeing Eye, catering to our thoughts and emotions, building them among us. Prichard has had this class building in his head since the age of eight years. QJC group were first time amateurs with this book. Fresh and excited all the same. Foundation for sharing was through the text alone-we had no “big toe” to steady us. Little direction except completion. The sharing of pollinated ideas was spontaneous, not planned, as a classroom. With out expectation, perception is free. In class I have an urgency to pick up on Prichard’s interaction. His words and the silence between them. So delicately placed, a thought link passed along through the texts, class, plurk, and blogs. I feel within a Borges text, telling in not telling, informing bluntly and vaguely. But intention is placed to build a conclusion. A conclusion of our own, Tony’s, and everyone in the classroom shared. There is no recreating the QJC group, but how far off is the spectrum of class evolution through the teacher and mass of students from previous settings? Low and Kai returning to nurture our thoughts using the same texts, movies, and a familiar lesson plan-a quarter more refined. Living and reliving, there are a multitude of paths in this yellow wood. QJC had a freshness, unique and untouchable.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Nano Control of Morality

Life is a series of slips and catches. A social order kept in check individually through fear of repercussions after actions. You shall not kill, you shall not steal... First religion was our maker to be worshiped. Be selfless in this life and be rewarded in the next progression of the soul. A destination being heaven instead of purgatory or hell. The Philosophy of karma, a more open ended form of Saint Peters gates. A power greater then the self still, but the option of choice is within each of us. Cultures of the world have all had a different face of this omnipotent equilibrium in life. If the balance is disrupted, action is taken upon the wrong doer. Woven along side religion are laws to further extend a social order.

Religion is evolving to tolerate science. The balance is swayed in a multitude of directions. The ideal of religion is passive as anomalies increase. The oppressive hands of religion are lifted in this age of technology. As the human being becomes more and more defined in science; idols of the past are lost. The self emerges, but only so far. Instead of omnipotent outside forces to puppeteer our social order, it is social beings within a culture that evolve a new right and wrong. But behind all of this social order and personality, the internal dialogue runs continuous. The inbred spectrum of right and wrong evolves as our "born guilty" conscious fades into want.

Polls envelope that ~91% of Americans believe in a universal spirit. An omnipotent figure is still our commander in chief in The sense. The fire in brim stone fears are gone for what reason then? The ideal of God is somehow taken less serious by the social masses. Everyone breaks laws of some form within a life time-countless choices everyday to do so or not. Justified or not. History shows that God does not cast lightening bolts upon wrong doers. The traditional miracle is few and far between in most eyes. Religion has taken a back seat-navigator is in the back making a sandwich, a seat belt tied around the wheel is driving-

-cruise control engaged.

Context of life evolving has been our seat belt at the wheel. Growing as a culture we are surrounded with life of all sorts and saviors. The booming economic -ism of consumers. Human desires are felt and acted on. Desires are in excess all around us-wanting sweet without the calories, introducing sucralose! Modified to satisfy our needs. With this power of manipulation comes the scientific option of turning towards the body. Growth hormone of the tubestick and accompanied mushroom head-

-all natural.

The difficulty in this course of action, the cup is indefinitely half empty. The majority of these desires play directly parallel with the ego. Here in lies our moral code

-I want, everyone wants.

The nanoworld is one where all our wildest fantasies come true. An unmatched possibility of individuality. The depth of scale change would be the magnitude of human ability to evolve rapidly. The change that will be is beyond my present comprehension. All of our lives increasing in every way by a multitude of ten to the power of nine! The fox will run wild in the hen house. Increase, more, better, faster, stronger-tantalus cravings of the underworld revealed and touched. Leading on to addition and multiplication of greatness-never divisible, never subtracted.

Now comes the greatest of options in life. Living for the self, or living for love. The blanket of technology is an illusion of necessity-humanity learned to knit rather quickly. Within the life of all possibility leads on to want. If it is possible do it! A pandemic ego gets stoked riding along a ghostly wave of satisfaction. The higher power is now you and I in this octane life. Every responsibility is our own-some would be avoided with this technology, others amplified. As nano technologies replace so much of what we take for granted-where will our time go? Into anything we want-

-that want is what frightens me, a trust in humanity to choose.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Ideal of Clarity

An Ego cannot truly exist. The mind and body are split-a God awe-full mess blind and speechless. Blind for true sight is tainted. Speechless in that what said is cluttered with excess and meaning is lost in the cycle that is humanity. Searching for justifications in a messy existence that suffocates a mentality breeding fear and self-pity.

[Deep breathe]

The world seems to have a fetish for entropy, even as our very respiration-physiological being denies it. A vicious birth and struggle for the livelihood of the Ego. Nurtured by the countless populations of our hierarchies perfection. The Ego's presence is now Godly. Our astray is far from the spirit, and what is there to show for it? A constant attack on others and the self.

The Ego is a personal entity-but it is not of you. The parapersona. Life turns into a masquerade ball; busy little bees go around and share Ego interactions. Now living in a fabricated existence. The state of growth has reared the Ego as apart of the self, identification in the familiar- but there is a trade off being the creator and the created. An Ego satisfies desires that are away from the self. Always just a bit out of reach. Humanity is addicted to this Disneyland of dreams.

The ideal of clarity works against life as we know it now, unconscious. We are in the fast lane, constantly seeking new life and experience. Bigger, better, and faster on a seasonal basis. We hold back, if we submit to every desire we are purely animals. Ego is guilt. Thinking our action of desire is uncouth- not being an innate ideal. “Devils work” in the eyes of generations past. What is not understood or unclear is against God. This is really against the self, God is not split-only the self that perceives is-

Perceiving is concrete and individual. A hierarchy that strives to fit in, but also shines above and beyond all else. This uniqueness is a self, based on conditional shallow pride. As culture with the taxonomy to identify all by their differences it goes as no surprise. The same is boring-there is no satisfying that itch of the ever evolving fringe.

This human nature has plopped us where we are today-And the main focal for this progress → Creation in art. Art does not regurgitate what is; there is manipulation, then recreation. This progression is far from clear; it is unique and sold as such. The self is put into each piece created. Poetry and word play have intention of not being so clear. In this vague creation we are entertained by what you and I project into the artsy abyss that is the self.

What of a world without the Ego? That existence is a place of acceptance for a world that is. What would be involved in life without manipulation? When hungry, eat, when tired, rest. And perfect harmony. Life without ego does not have to be austere, it is a simple harmony of living-all else is irrelevant and contains no knowledge.

Life has been entertainment used as means to an end. The end contains no knowledge. What does the humanity want at this stage? In necessity for clarity? Or Excess. We cannot be validated by financial security or new toys-even the trophy mate. There is no going back only forward in this humanity cycle. Progression is the use of the unclear to allude to something beyond words. Here lies a key of nano proportions from a soon to be Sci-fi world.

Emerson's poem- Maya (spelled Maia)

Illusion works impenetrable,
Weaving webs innumerable;
Her gay pictures never fail,
Crowd each other, veil on veil;
Charmer who will be believed
By man who thirsts to be deceived

Prayer to consciousness

Prayer of Consciousness

Life is a game, it is a matter of perfections. How well can I play this game moment to moment? Not as a means to an end, for it is a game. Live, love and make merriment. All things weather dominated by love or ego will come to pass. Judgments are not needed-they only reflect personal insecurities back onto the self seeking validation. Choose paths of love in the presence of being. Be aware of steps taken in trauma, toxicity, and thought. Know vitalism: The human organism can keep itself healthy if there are no barriers to full expression of all its vital functions. The body has the innate ability to heal itself from within.

Remove barriers to full expression of that life force. Choose love, listen well. Take the peace and share it. Understand my balance of life. All is a circle and thus passing and returning. Do not take it personally, know perfection of the game

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Loss of humility

Ribofunk leads on to a world where all will be known of our race at some future point.

"We learn today as much in one year as its earliest discoverer did in ten years. Where is it going to lead us? How many more generations of present-day taught philosophers are to come and go before this persistently questioning human mind of ours will have laid before us a complete revolutional and unconditional demonstration of this, the supreme problem of existence? Can anyone doubt that the question will be eventually solved?" BJ Palmer

A maximum of elevated human potential would be reached. In no way are we ready for that. With the world squabbling and divergent as it seems at times-why would the power of gods be placed in the opportunity for the highest bidder. Gods would die. The secrets of the world would no longer be secret. Without myth there is a loss of wonder. A finality of being may be too great to undertake-religions provide a sense of being greater then the self. The outspoken Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura speaks; "Organized religion is a sham and a crutch for weak-minded people who need strength in numbers. It tells people to go out and stick their noses in other people's business." Yes, but the necessity of its role in every civilization of mankind is historically supported. In the history of the human race, no civilization has lasted without religion. The last attempt being The Soviet Union.

So many perks come with technology. And what is not to love about perks! The technology evolves and the financially supported world progresses with it. Standards of living increase, education is accessible to all. Perhaps all information will simply be a download in the future. The class bullies will have a faster connection then you, the bad asses will disable their firewalls. The cycles will repeat in this new medium that is beyond moral control. The bearers of these sought after technologies will beget such a wealth that products would be exclusive. Cycles will repeat once again, powers will change-back in control FOR the people. What if communism, socialism, or new "isms" not yet in human awareness. More lines drawn and barriers. Up in arms.

So what is to be done? Nothing can stop this. But all in all a perspective can be kept. A mentor once called this the innate "crap detector". Fitting. A sense of enough must be understood. Perfection has created us-we are perfect as is. All is a process and technology in the fringe extremes halts this process to no longer being a privilege. The perks are not real past a comfort. They are as solid as we make them-a cultural flare resulting from an economic boom leading to bust. And when bust happens, up in arms once again. Cause and affect, right and wrong, all preeminent to a divergence in human kind. The perks of comfort will be the new norm in time. Expanding further and further from historical evolution-leading on to a new end. But we always were leading to an end so whats the difference of indulging in the ambrosia qualities? Story of Tantalus fits nicely here; never being able to reach the splendors desired-always moving just a bit out of reach. But God knows we try! Or at least science knows-

Friday, May 1, 2009

The ONEders

Wonder, the intensity of emotion undefined. A sense of imagination-fluid and dynamic beyond the collective ideal. Seeking such a small vibration, only resonating with the self. Small only as much as what is allowed. Easily contained in an illusion of thought and understanding. The projection of desires, a flotilla of minds in a missed communication of existence. Are we small? The ideal of small appears to be easy. But to what extent is being small also being lost to ourselves? Small boundaries, tiny bridges. Discontinuing the fluid dynamic of consciousness. Collective in evolving in a new fashion. Call to arms to sake of individuality found in a set.

Truly fighting against the self, projecting outwards what is slaughtered inside. A new fluid dynamic, flowing on just the same but on a different scale of existence. Small. The idea of self enlightenment has nothing to do with the self. It is a matter of reincarnation into acceptance of a collective whole.

Burroughs, Baudrillard, Paul Di Filippo, an Casares. Slivers into a dermograph beyond. Beyond because it has been put out of touch individually affecting the collective scale. Too large to understand just yet. Ease into understanding that is universal-but found individually, a round robin of education-providing that radical alterity if we are ready to listen.

Ultimately these words are lost, to you, to me, to the passerby. A sliver in time alluding to less and less as i type on.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

"On The Back of A Giant"

To believe- No justifications are needed. But how does one analyze the ideal of one belief. Above all others, manifested through attention and intention. Theories, laws, rules, these are all realm of the physical and thus tangible. They are not real to us all. Belief is the ideal of the metaphysical. A miracle unexplained. The happenings of certain miracles can be explained, spontaneous healing refers to the body's repairing itself or ridding itself of disease without traditional medical interventions like surgery or drugs. Latest science now changes this dichotomy into a miracle supported by knowledge.

I met a man this weekend who was diagnosed with type one diabetes at the age of twelve. His pancreas was not producing the required insulin his body needed. He tells me, "I can not really explain it, but I just knew I was going to have it [diabetes]. Next check up his pancreas was working normally and never since has he had any symptoms of this disease. He "just knew". How is anything known that solidly. Beyond words-strictly what? I have no idea. I am going to share a story about Dean out of the book Evolve your Brain by Dr. Joe Dispenza.

"When I first saw Dean sitting in my waiting room, he smiled and winded at me. On his face he had two tumors the size of very large lemons. One was under his chin on the right side, and the other growth was on his forehead on the left side. During my examination, Dean explained that he had leukemia. I asked him what medications and therapies he used to keep the disease under control. 'None, never' he replied. I continued my examination, trying to focus on what I was doing but wanting to ask him dozens of questions. I had healed from an injury, but this was clearly different. Leukemia , especially untreated acute myelogenous leukemia was a debilitating and painful disease. I was not an injury the body could simply heal over time, like a broken bone.
The doctors who diagnosed Dean had given him six months to live. Right then, Dean said, he had made himself a promise to see his son graduate from high school. That pivotal moment had occurred 25 years earlier...I finally had to ask, 'How did you do it? You should have been dead 24 years ago, but with no medications, no surgeries, no therapies, you are still alive. What's the secret? Dean smiled broadly, leaned across the examining bench to bring his face close to mine, pointed to his forehead, and said, 'You just have to make up your mind!'.

These stories are few and far between perhaps, the death rate for Leukemia is high and living that kind of life tends to be fragmented. Says who? You and I do, living our lives. "Our thoughts matter, our thoughts literary become matter." (Dispenza) I am fascinated by these results felt in these stories or pathways. What makes their choice so much more powerful then mine. How? They have a means which is the "why". How much of life, unhappiness, red tape, guilt, that all of it, i just take for granted. A victim to life is no way to live. So here is to the great unknown-the power that made the body is the power that heals the body. My journey to change has begun with these thoughts. New neural plasticity. No long addicted to brain chemistry of a repeating form of self. Mental rehearsal of who I want to be-life I am living in my mind is the same as life living in the sensuous participatory world. I can't fail at this, every thought, every trial is a new evolution of being. And that is comforting.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

An ironic position

A young adult sent off to school. Loving parents watching their little boy grow up before their eyes. Watching-from the side lines of youth. This education, flight of experience distances the framework of the paternal / maternal relationship with their kin. The experience they allow me to traverse is my own. This disables our relationship at the same time, growth is my goal, comfort is theirs. Comfort in the smiles and careful parenting of when they were needed essentially. Traditional thought of parenting prevents new flight for both parties. Parents watching from the ground, call back to me-as a youth. Lift them up I say, I will forever be your child-but now a new friendship is in the making. One of curiosity and exploration! Strive for the importance of living together once again. The call to "check up" is lost. Share essences not facts. Speak in dreams-life sought and journeys ongoing. Let all cultivate with hands in the real soil, not simply sowing seeds from picture books of the past. Fresh eyes create fresh memories that do not need to be captured. To capture is to lose the spontaneity-the freedom dies in its eyes. Expectations cannot be met in that reliving. I am all smiles for the present-shared.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Such miscommunication typed here

The written word. Fantastic form of expression. What solid ground can we relate to one another? Technology to aid in connecting us all as well. Yet through this connection a proximity is gained-a necessity to coexist through rules and expectations. " It [Technology] appears to eliminate slowness, distance, and ultimately identity." (Guillaume, Marc) We define everything, including our existance with words and symbols. Has the affect of words and their power been confused through various searches of alterity?-Yes. David Abram says the word draws power from our sensuous surroundings-earth. The Apache Indians had a practice of story telling were they would sing place names. The earth was the median for communication-everyone knew the places and the stories to go with them. Their history, values and moral code all related to the land.
Where do today's words come from? What power do you and I put into words. A dictionary holds supreme power-but do many people speak in vernacular oxford English? Our journey of language is experience and interactions. But in today's world, the power of the word is gained from you, I, and so many other not so constant forms all in different contexts and and unrelated sensuous surroundings. Building into the internal paradox of communication, "the more we communicate, the more we destroy communication; or, the less we exchange, the more we have to communicate." Baudrillard, Jean (45)
Capturing essences is beyond the codes capabilities-only manipulation is possible. Are we distancing ourselves from roots already before us? Attempting to get back into touch with ourselves and the world through the word. Validation to be found once and only defined are we alive. Each of us as an original definition-so many bodies distanced from one another by the self seeking singularity.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Invention of Morel

"...everything I do now is leading me to one of three possible futures: to the woman, to solitude (or to the living death in which I spent the past few years, as impossibility now that I have seen the woman), or to a horrible sentence. Which one will it be? Time alone will tell. But still I know that writing this diary can perhaps provide the answer; it may even help produce the right future." (32)

The flaw of finding this island alone it that all interactions are based on a monologue of the narrator. Never once has the 1924 party addressed him as anything but a ghost. He will forever be a ghost to them. His interaction and his validity of his immortality is dependent on fresh eyes coming in to see the recording. Even with the narrators careful action and scene setting with Fauastine-he is still untrue to himself. The only persons he can fool of his shared intimacy with Faustine is another who stumbles upon the island and is a primary resource to the recordings. The immortality is fabricated and false.

"I hope that, generally, we give the impression of being inseparable, or understanding each other so well that we have no need of speaking." (101)

Even at the very end, he is grasping onto something out of his reach. His eternity is counterfeit-and he knows it. Purpose of the diary is what then?

"And if I am to die, this diary will leave a record of the agony I suffered." (86)

...and suffers still.

"To the person who reads this diary and then invents a machine that can assemble and disjoined presences, I make this request: Find Faustine and me, let me enter the heaven of her consciousness. It will be an act of piety."

The narrator's eternity is not complete yet. In waiting for his eternity with Faustine, he has broken his one vow.

"I must renounce-once and for all-any help from my fellow man" (20)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Mittens and rock climbing?

Beautiful day in the neighborhood. Though the hood could not contain us. Sunshine required a celebration. A day to play in its radiant surroundings. Bright in our eyes and wonderful our smiles. Larrabee beach awaited. Exploring the carved sandstone with imagination and plastered excitement. Which routes to choose and dreaming of the far out. What splendid creation Puget sound waves create. Thick overhands and cracks by the plenty. The imagination and calmness of tree climbing in my youth. Though I was not timing myself this time around. Quiet and calculated-griping with numb fingers at times. Thus the mittens in between runs. The sense of exploration ahead of us. What lie around each outcropping of rocks was the anticipation-scouting with wide eyes. Energy spent and received from such magnificent naturally beauty. Quiet and sensuous harmony for all. Refreshed and smiling still.

G atticus

Sunday, January 4, 2009


To drink the beams of the stars, let them pierce my body and flow out. Feet taking me high above the clouds, to mountain peaks touched only by the imagination. I wish to jump from the top and be caught by dreams. My soul trickling down with the rain. Big drops and small, they all land and bring life. Landing in the ocean, rippling outward to the seven seas. Swept up in the clouds only to land again in gentile fields. There I lay, face to the clouds. Soft zephyr dripping wheat down to brush my face. Tickling life back into life, for it was here all along. Here I see what the sun allows me to see, no interpretations, just love of life.

-G atticus