Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Other of Radical Alterity "Roof Top Origins"

Here. I am. A primordial sense of explanation for existence, searching to be satiated. First I search a world beyond worlds. The spirit interaction with an All-mighty being of love. Sacrificing a self through service. Manipulated and twisted by time-unanswered questions are now drawing conclusions. The arts and science of the Islamic golden age, a union of god and science-picking up on Gods rhythms through knowledge. Leading towards science without God, yet the formalities are kept alive. We are atoms, all except hydrogen originating from star dust and nothing more, nothing less. Random chance of existence is a hell bent reality. A mentality that cannot be accepted by the evolving mankind. Majority of manimals identify with an ego, which is not stardust. Who is left to question but the self. Attempting to determine the self through knowledge of electrons and atoms. The more a location of an electron is known, less is understood of origins and destinations.

Accepted science goes onto quantum-particles being more than one place at once. Existing yet nonexistent. Still incapable of solid ground; looking, longing for something greater than the self to manifest our duty. Science is the new foundation for explanation, pillars holding the united goals of mankind on its data tables and analysis. It attempts to reach the Other of Radical Alterity- a code in which there is no longer any law or constraint. Just as religion of past. Knowing how way leads on to way, science turns inwards-back to the spirit. But more importantly it changes its scale for this introspection. A size beyond our bodily understanding. Nano represents an amount of zeros that our conscious mind is only able to guess at.

This is a way to get back to the spirit. We alter what is, to what we have control over. Nano is a sense of control. A whimsical idea that being able to manipulate the surrounding on such a scale-we will to change the self to Godly forms. We no longer feel the devine mothers presence-why not create our own? Jean Baudrillard informs that “Fundamentally, the secret of alterity is to think that everything comes from the outside.” (69) No guilt, selfless in a way-existing in the formalities of code and conduct. A system that is highly respected in certain circles as a means. On the very next page Baudrillard speaks of the distance of the Other. “That is the principle of exoticism according to Segalen: keep your distance. Curiously, we would be tempted to enter the opposite form, which would be to go towards the Other, to assimilate or even played with difference to a certain degree and following a global and universal principle. That the Other as Other. There is no universal, there is an Other. (70)

The nano world is close in its teasing ways, but the west will not allow itself to embrace it completely. With the distance gone, our means of living is gone. Our Omega point as prophesied by Technoapocalypse is a point of convergence into a realm beyond. Gods will die. The secrets of the world will no longer be secret. Without myth there is a loss of wonder. That finality of being may be too great to undertake- having nothing greater than the self. Our finitude with shock us from our ignorant bubble of perception.

The irony of all this technology as a means to reach and understand a universal spirit in the end. A spirit that is under complete nano control and understanding. The exoticism of life is swallowed- and we die from life as we know it. Every new renaissance of the search has a new context only. It is not so much the knowledge at the end, but the process that keeps us wanting. We kill the Other by reaching it. “…radical alterity cannot be found, reaching the goal is impossible… this search: it is not an eternal truth; it is located in its time, its context.” (75) Baudrillard. The Other is a way of a round robin back to the root of existence. A new perspective on a repeating thought pattern of unanswered questions.

Education is this searching of the Other. All of us being home schooled in this undertaking of the self. The incomplete manifesto for growth. This is forever incomplete until it is finished in the singular sense. Beyond words, our nurture aspect of existence. We put in the time just as all other artists of this spectrum-learning what cannot be taught. Our own "how to" guide to really see the yellow rose of Borges. We are forever expanding outwards to understand the inner workings of the soul and duty. Take it apart and put it back together again. It is a beautiful process and rhythm of life, tried and true.

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