Monday, June 1, 2009

Book groups' Life Extreme

The Queen city of Cincinnati, “en-livened”. Denoting the creation of a state to become more lively, or interesting. Our book group analysis continued and branched anew from class topics. First and foremost, the possibilities of the nano world expanded. Hindsight informs that I have no way of knowing where the nano future will go. Futuristic details of movies after the Second World War have not all paned out. But the fringe must be made hazy with a melting pot of dreams. Random chance as well, making a power beyond our immediate control- what capabilities or options will proceed. How it will evolve in thought, action? Which maniac will hold the cards in all of this progress?

The work distribution was fantastic in the group setting. A verbal accord, with the simple understanding of the necessary contributions. Everyone carried their ideas; with the small numbers this can make or break the group. Some plurkers can fade into the background, and being a digital interface-I take what I see as what is. That becomes the standard of viewing and we accept it. One must give to get in a communal setting, all holding the pillars aloft separately. It is refreshing to share strictly with my peers. The issue was entertainment, bouncing ideas and building with one another. The setting was much more contained than plurk, with a sort of timing and mutual activity. A limb of the super organism, functionally pseudo independent.

A void was satisfied through the book group. Completely taking apart a text, tangents, and more the merrier. Stretch the text then watch it coalesce again. Plurks got off base- but there is no worthy creation in gibberish, one tires of nonsensical typing for sake of plurk karma of all things. Texts left on the back burner and me, me, me typed out and shared. This is totally fair and easy to participate in-but I was left wanting more material focused on the class. The book group situation reminded me of the Kafka and Borges dialogues starting with the text then sprouting anywhere relevant or even beyond. Always from a foundation of the text.

Something that caught me off guard with the book group was the timing-one lengthy, supported post a week. All of us on similar page readings as well left us with the entire week of reading to refine ideas within our own heads. This allowed for a branching effect-loose ends of the text were allowed to be tied up in eight different ways-all valid. Some played true, others not so by the end of the book. It is those loops that make the text. An intrusive vagueness, necessary and placed throughout. Time bombs of thought and analysis.

Climaxing at the dead end dynamic of teacher student setting. We crazy eights were allowed to mentor as peers. All both teachers and students. Prichard has devoured these texts for years, not the mention the plethora of other knowledge to utilize. The all Seeing Eye, catering to our thoughts and emotions, building them among us. Prichard has had this class building in his head since the age of eight years. QJC group were first time amateurs with this book. Fresh and excited all the same. Foundation for sharing was through the text alone-we had no “big toe” to steady us. Little direction except completion. The sharing of pollinated ideas was spontaneous, not planned, as a classroom. With out expectation, perception is free. In class I have an urgency to pick up on Prichard’s interaction. His words and the silence between them. So delicately placed, a thought link passed along through the texts, class, plurk, and blogs. I feel within a Borges text, telling in not telling, informing bluntly and vaguely. But intention is placed to build a conclusion. A conclusion of our own, Tony’s, and everyone in the classroom shared. There is no recreating the QJC group, but how far off is the spectrum of class evolution through the teacher and mass of students from previous settings? Low and Kai returning to nurture our thoughts using the same texts, movies, and a familiar lesson plan-a quarter more refined. Living and reliving, there are a multitude of paths in this yellow wood. QJC had a freshness, unique and untouchable.

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